Fate Installation is based on a verse from the poem « The Will to Life » by Abul Qasim Al-Shabi (Tunisia 1909-1934):
If souls yearn for life, fate must respond.
Printed on a Leporello, the first half of the verse is read from one side, the other half from the opposite side. The composition is placed on a green carpet, typical of games of chance. The text is surrounded by a few dice that have lost their points. White balls scattered across the carpet simulate the lost points.
The general exhibition is an annual event, organised by the Fine Arts sector of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, providing an overview of the visual arts in Egypt.
L’Installation Le Destin est basée sur un vers du poème “La volonté de Vie” d’Abul Qasim Al-Shabi (Tunisie 1909-1934) :
Si les âmes aspirent à la vie, le destin se doit de répondre.
Imprimé sur un Leporello, la première moitié du vers se lit d’un côté, l’autre moitié du côté opposé.
La composition est placée sur un tapis vert propre au jeux de hasard. Le texte est entouré de quelques dés qui ont perdu leurs points. Des boules blanches éparpillées sur le tapis, simulent les points perdus.
L’exposition générale est une manifestation annuelle organisée par le secteur des Beaux-Arts du ministère de la Culture Égyptien ; un état des lieux de la création plastique en Egypte.
Fate Installation is based on a verse from the poem « The Will to Life » by Abul Qasim Al-Shabi (Tunisia 1909-1934):
If souls yearn for life, fate must respond.
Printed on a Leporello, the first half of the verse is read from one side, the other half from the opposite side. The composition is placed on a green carpet, typical of games of chance. The text is surrounded by a few dice that have lost their points. White balls scattered across the carpet simulate the lost points.
The general exhibition is an annual event, organised by the Fine Arts sector of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, providing an overview of the visual arts in Egypt.